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Verney College Chronicle - Knowledge is the Light - Issue 2

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

September 2022

The windmills of my mind – Dr Selma

As I stroll down the corridor's of 1174 aka Verney College, I am reminded of Gary Zukav’s most telling observation:

‘If we perceived life with reverence,

we would stand in awe at the

experience of physical life and

walk the earth in a very deep sense of gratitude’.

A new season; a new term. “Woke” teachers teaching “woke” learners – Generation Z. Classes are abuzz, a melodic cacophony of sound. I “stand in awe”. I am greeted by smiling eager faces and my face cannot but break into a smile. I walk around the corner and see our matric class of 2022 huddled together. The Matric Dance is just around the corner too, and not long thereafter, the Valedictory Ceremony and a few days after, the Matric Exam – enough to leave me breathless. Come Matric Exams, 1174 will be displayed prominently on the walls of our school. 1174 – seared into our hearts and minds; a legacy for all who follow. I ponder the words of George Bernard Shaw:

This is the true joy in life – that being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. That being a force of nature, instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It’s a sort of splendid torch which I’ve got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.


Spring Day Stars!

Junior Mr & Ms Spring

Alakhe Siganga

Faith Ani

Lwazi Tshongwe

Amaani Patel

Extra prizes

Mikail Kamaar

Chisolu Okeke-Onwubioge

Tshepang Mhlangu

Adaeze Eluwa

Jessica van Loggerenberg


Awards and Achievements

Top ten awards – Term 2

Gr Learner Gr Learner

1 Molemo Mokele 5 Nonjabulo Ntuli

Mabore Sekele Rhiley Petersen

Lesedi Lebea TJ Chibaya

2 Shayaan Makan 6 Makhosazana Kgopa

3 Esihle Siganga 7 Naledi Lehoma

Ezennaya Eluwa 9 Alexia Da Silva

Siyanda Mokoena Mamotse Madlele

4 Sithokozile Ntuli Godbless Adikaibe

Taishaan Makan 11 Jessica Van Loggerenberg

Learcia Daniels

Razeen Hoosen



A special welcome to our new Staff members!

Mrs Nokuthula Ngwenya

Economics/Business studies/EMS

Mr Keanu Jardim

Physical Education


Please help

We are starting a STEM lab at school in 2023. Students will attend the STEM lab weekly to creatively explore, invent, engineer and complete STEM challenges. We need many items for the STEM lab.

Suggestions are on the list below, but we appreciate little to all donations possible even if the items are not on the list.

Please send donations to Ms Susan.

Tin foil, ice-cream sticks, masking tape, plastic cups, markers, string/yarn, Legos, newspaper, tissue paper, color tape, glue sticks, cotton balls, dominoes, plastic wrap, fabric, duct tape, Styrofoam cups, crayons and building blocks. Bottle caps, milk cartons, dowel sticks, balloons, paper bags, toothpicks, pinecones, buttons, corks, beads, puzzle pieces, magazines, old socks, toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, coffee filters, marbles, any type of boxes.

Lots of thanks in advance!


Weekly Tuck Shop menu

Monday Thursday

Hot Dogs Chicken Mayo Roll

Pies Veg Curry & Roti

Russian Roll Egg Mayo Roll

Egg Mayo Roll Russian Roll

Tuesday Friday

Tuna Mayo Roll Chicken pops and chips

Vetkoek Chip roll Pies

Mini Bunny Chow Crispy skins



Chip Roll

Crispy skins

Chips Pies


Dates to Diarize


14 – Gr 4 outing to AcroBranch

16 – Matric Farewell

17 – Open day

23 – Heritage Day fundraiser

1 October – Father and son braai

Midterm and holiday dates

21-26 October - Midterm

3 December - Close



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